February is the month of love and I love, love. On February 14th lovers all over the nation celebrate their significant others with thoughtful gifts, romantic dinners and an out pour, of their deep heart confessions.

Through my study of the bible and conversations with God, He has given me a new and refreshing outlook on love and relationships. For many years, I believed that love was about receiving and someone doing things I liked to ensure my happiness. I had it all wrong, love in it’s purest form is about serving and honoring others. Giving to others. Giving love, even when the other person doesn’t deserve it. That’s how God loves, He loves unconditionally and continually. We are to mimic Christ in all that we do and love is not different.  This is the type of love we to extend to all people, not just our significant others.

In the past, I yearned desperately to experience true love, only to experience all the things it was not. Then through my relationship with Christ, I learned that the scriptures have it outlined precisely.


1 Corinthians 13: 4-8

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge will become useless. But love will last forever!


One of my goals for my life is to constantly, ‘Walk in Love’.

This month, I want to challenge you again, to do the same.

I want to challenge you to walk in love, for the ENTIRE month!

Think you can do it?

Ready? Set. Love!


February Challenge:

Week 1:

Verse 4

Love is patient.

To be patient, is to be even-tempered; quiet; diligent; the ability or willingness to suppress relentlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay.

For the first week of February, I want you to walk in the love trait of… patience.

Examples: Let the driver next to you, over while you are in traffic. Don’t lose your temper when someone is slow to perform a task, slow to comply with a request or keep your cool when someone lacks the capacity to understand your point of view. Let someone get in front of you in the grocery store line. Drive in the slow lane for the entire week (I mean it really is only one speed limit). Be slow to anger, etc.

(February 5th – 11th)


Week 2:

Verse 4

Love is patient and kind.

To be kind, is to be good in nature or disposition; considerate or helpful.

For the second week of February, I want you to walk in the love trait of… kindness.

Be intentional in your kindness towards others.

Examples: Greet everyone you come into contact with, with a smile and social pleasantries. Consistently hold the door for others. Compliment someone on their appearance at least five times daily.

(February 12th -17th)


Week 3:

Verse 4

Love is not jealous.

Many secretly struggle with the spirits of jealousy and comparison.

To be jealous, is to feel resentment against someone because of that person’s rivalry, success or advantages. This week I want you to be intentional in celebrating others.

It is my belief that many become jealous because internally the success of another makes you question and compare your life and status to theirs. One begins to believe that the blessings of God, stop at that one person but when you really trust in God, you know that another person’s blessings do not stop your own.

Week 3, I want you to rid of the spirit of jealousy and openly celebrate others.

Examples: Like her picture on Instagram when know she looks on point, instead of scrolling past it. Treat your friend to dinner to celebrate her new promotion or accomplishment. Tell your friend how happy you are for her and her new relationship without internally comparing your life to hers.

(February 18th -24st)


Week 4:

Verse 5

Love does not demand its own way.

For the last week of February I want you to be intentional in compromising.

To compromise, is to reach a settlement of differences by a mutual adjustment to reach an agreement. For this final week I want you to compromise with others out of love.

Examples: Let your boyfriend/fiancé/husband pick the restaurant this week. Give your husband his way in the argument. Let your friends pick the hang out activity this week.

(February 25nd-28th)



Journal throughout this entire process. Journal each day what you took from your day, the lessons you took away and how you feel at the end of each day.


Simple right?

February, I want you to ‘WALK IN LOVE’ and journal, journal, journal!


(Don’t forget to write to me as you journey through our February challenge, I’d love to hear from you and share with others on this journey with us.)


Until next time..

I wish you love & happiness


