Where BEAUTY and SUBSTANCE meet…

First, W.C.W. does NOT stand for Women Crush Wednesdays, even though most of my WCWs will be revealed on a Wednesday lol. But we will get to that later. Much later.

So why did I begin my WCW series. I encounter so many dope women on my journey of life. Women from different backgrounds, nationalities, various walks of life, professional paths, etc. Just REALLY dope women. Beautiful women. Strangers, family members, friends, business acquaintances, church associates, co-workers and so forth. Women doing amazing things. Women striving to do amazing things. I wanted to highlight those women.


WCW (Women Crush Wednesdays) on Instagram is a trend where women are highlighted the majority of the time for their beauty. I wanted to highlight women of substance who are also of course, beautiful. Women who are chasing their dreams, women who are being outstanding leaders in their communities, women who are inspiring their generations, women who are business owners, women who are dreamers living out their dreams, women who stand firm in what they believe in, women who are strong, women who are bold, women who believe in the impossible being possible, women of God, women who are strong believers in Christ, women who are phenomenal mothers but also women who are BEAT hunny! These women are where beauty and substance meet!


So where did I come up with the idea? I had a somewhat negative experience, really not a negative experience because it truly wasn’t a big deal. So let’s call it an interesting experience.  In May 2014, after releasing my first poetry collection: Forbidden Truth, A Collection of Poems, Reflections and Personal Quotes (shameless plug lol), I asked a socially influential older woman in my hometown to post my first poetry collection on her Instagram page. I reached out to a number of people via the social media platform who I noted had a substantial number of followers. This woman had about 2000 followers at the time. She responded back with a price sheet. I understand the hustler’s mentality and that some people use social media as a stream of income. But I did not pay for the service and instead continued to use other avenues of promotion. From that incident I had an idea, that I would promote other women for free. Some how I would create a system, campaign, just something where I would promote other women who I believe were doing amazing things at no cost. So eventually the idea grew to my WCW interview series. A platform for amazing women to shares their stories but also share their talents and services with others.


The goal is simple, highlight and connect women from all walks of life, women who also have a back story. Women with stories, that you wouldn’t know by just looking at them. Highlight these women who stand as symbols of hope to all women. The media and social media is plastered with women with beauty and no substance. Women who are glorified for how pretty they are, how much their bag costs and how well they dress. But are these women positive role models. Are they truly spreading a positive message and if they are, are they the same person privately that they are publicly.


It is my belief as a woman that my light does not dim your light, my success does not stop your success, my beauty does not take away from your beauty, my blessings don’t stop your blessings and vice versa. Some women have adopted the opposite mind set. We have to uplift, support and encourage one another. My sister Felicia once told me, don’t continuously highlight a problem unless you have or are working on a solution. This is one of my solutions.


I hope you enjoy their stories, as much as I have….